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👋 Introduction Panel

Opening up the app will initially present you with the introduction panel. It has some key information and functionality built in.

🆚 Versioning

Firstly, the title at the top will contain the version number of the app. This follows typical semver versioning. Essentially vmajor.minor.patch.

You can check the releases page to see if you're up-to-date or not.

🔐 Authentication Code.

This small section of the panel duplicates the one in the administration panel. See the Authentication section for more details.

A slight extra feature is that you will see an Authenticated (in green) or Not Authenticated (in red) message depending on your status.

🆕 New Features

The left-hand side of the intro panel will show the release message of the current version. This will give you a brief overview of the changes made in that version.

There are some quick links on the right side of the panel to help you get to some useful resources.

💀 Disabling the panel

Right Drawer > Preferences > Settings > Disable intro panel

If you prefer to switch off (or back on) the intro panel whenever you load the app or refresh the app, you can by using the toggle switch in the Preferences tab.