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📊 Property Statistics

Right Drawer > Statistics

The statistics tab is a general guide to the local area. It provides various metrics to use on helping to assess the area. Currently, three metrics are being reported:

Overall average property price (of all types) in [POSTCODE] in the last 12 months.

This figure is to help you if the price of the current property is above or below the current average price of properties in the postcode. What it signifies depends on you and your goals. Perhaps you wish to find an area with a higher average property price that may be indicative of a nicer area, or you may be buying a property to sell at a higher price. This means the price being under the average may be what you want.

"(of all types)" Means that this is not taking into consideration the number of bedrooms, the type of house, inclusion of a garden or any other feature. This is just the average price of ALL properties.

Average property price change (of all types) for [POSTCODE] in the last 12 months.

The change in property price is a key metric to see if house prices in the area are rising or falling. Generally all house prices are increasing, but this value will be able to tell you how rapidly that increase is.

The number of properties (within 400m) with sale history in [POSTCODE].

Based on the source website and their sources (usually the to report the number of properties in the area that have a sale history recorded. This is for all-time. Helpful to determine if the area has a high turnover of households or whether people in the area like to keep their property.

Crime Ratings

Right Drawer > Statistics > Crime Ratings

By pressing the Crime Ratings button to initiate a call to the, you will retrieve current crime statistics for the area. Useful for comparing against other areas and their relative numbers.

Renters vs Buyers

A Zoopla-based data point that will check the current property postcode and see how many listings are currently being made for renting in the area. Useful to see if there are a lot of places to rent in the area and potentially compare it against number of households for sale.