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🛏 Property Details

Right Drawer > Details

The property details page provides extra property information that is potentially not provided by the original source (Zoopla / Rightmove / OnTheMarket). The application will contact 3rd-party sources and APIs to query them with the given longitude and latitude of the property.

🧭 Property Location​

Right Drawer > Details > Property Location

Sometimes the estate agent will take rough longitude and latitude measurements or will miss postcodes and extra details. This section attempts to narrow down the location through various third-party sources. Each external source has a link in the table of results for you to visit if you wish to manually try. Sources include:

ℹī¸ Extra Information​

Right Drawer > Details > Extra Information

To provide extra useful data for you to use, we contact other third-party sources for any miscellaneous information. Each piece of data has a link to the source for you to manually use.

📚 Schools​

Right Drawer > Details > Schools

Sometimes the property source website will provide school information in their response data. If the estate agent has provided it, any schools closest to the property will be listed here. A link to is also provided for any manual checks you may wish to do.

🚄 Transport​

A list of any train or tube stations that are close to the property. If provided by the source website and the estate agent has provided that information.

🚨 Crimes​

A list of any crimes within the vicinity of the property will be listed here. This is provided by the API.

☁ī¸ Broadband​

Possible broadband details for suppliers to that particular area and property. A list provided by